
This space is to honour, hold & archive the experiences of community members that have engaged / dreamed / created / shared space in community with Gumawa Space & our programming. As well as, being a witness of support to our co-creator, Elvin Velasco in their journey as a caretaker, space-maker & community gatherer.

These creation witnesses by community members provide candid documentation of their experience between us. Something of the likes of a testimony, but rather more open, honest & creative. How we’ve made them feel in shared spaces/experiences & why they’re choosing to support Elvin, this space & endeavour.

Each creation holds power & truth, collectively manifesting deserved abundance to receive continued financial support in cultivating the brave spaces to create & share with/for community. 


gumawa space community creation witnesses

“Thank you so much for creating a safe space for participants, chosen family, and friends to essentially speak, share our truths, reflect, and express ourselves. It has been an honour to witness, and support the trajectory of Gumawa space <3.

Throughout the Coming Home Program which was a delight to be apart of, I was prompted to express myself written, verbally, and visually. As a visual artist, it can be difficult for me to create for fun without a specific direction in mind. I was used to creating with the intention of my ideas eventually turning into a tangible piece of art. With the help of the program, I was able to unlearn that, and let go - I was reminded that I can create, with the intention of having fun, and letting my inner child explore and create freely. That experience allowed me to create this textile piece (that I have shared), as I was having fun with scrap materials I had leftover and allowing my creativity to flow.”

— Chels, bestie / program participant

“Gumawa Space’s Coming Home program was an amazing and enlightening experience. Taking on the role of the documenter not only allowed me to witness every moment of the program, but to watch the growth of every youth participant venture further in their journey to reconnecting with their own selves. To be able to capture  moments through pictures and videos did not encapsulate enough the imagery of growth and empowerment that they had for themselves as they journeyed through the program. This all would have not been done without Elvin and the fellow mentors, which made the program so meaningful. There was so much beauty in being able to find yourself within a safe and caring community that very much embodied the program, which is so important when connectin. Although I did not get to participate in the same ways as the youth, I was able to reflect on who I am and where I am going as I continue to go along the endless journey of finding myself within my community, alongside my community. I learned that as much as home could be a place, it is very much a place you find within yourself and others.”

— Lin Velasco, kin, sibling, program documenter
img: Angelica Ecltr, ✨ Kin ✨

— Adrianna Chong, Past roomies, close pals, program participant

“I’ve had the privilege of working and getting to know Elvin of Guwama Space for the past 3 years now. Getting to know Elvin as a colleague was a privilege, but being able to call them one of my best friends has been an absolute gift. Elvin is one of the most caring, thoughtful and intentional people I know and all of their energy is infused into Guwama Space, making it a safe and reaffirming space for anyone who enters. Elvin’s dedication to their community and their queer kin is unwavering, and I am so happy to see that they are sharing their energy and offerings in this way. Elvin is an equitable leader and passionate team-player, and I can’t wait for this community to grow with the love Elvin puts into it.”

— Ari Para, Friend + colleague
Ren Cañete, kin, friend, past co-worker

— Shqdel, Program Facilitator. Soul kin from the TIME of raising 80+ kids together for 6 summers. Mirror.

“Any event Elvin's hosts, is a healing and loving opportunity in healing my inner child. They continuously provide an open and warm space that's inviting for all walks of life. They ensure that all people's needs are met by ensuring to respect people's capacity and capabilities in being present in the space. I wished I lived closer to them, because I'd love to be more involved in their events but they never made me feel guilty when I couldn't come because I was low capacity in coming to their events. They never made me feel less of a friend or less than when I couldn't come. They made sure people were comfortable in socialising and would open the space by sharing something first and would welcome others to join without pressure. Elvin's space without a doubt will always provide many safe spaces for others, where people can share pieces of themselves and cared for by others, where others socialise without the pressure to be anything but themselves and be accepted for who they are. Maraming salamat Elvin, for caring for the small details in ensuring I'm safe and welcomed always.”

— Ledy, Best friend

“Collectively building, creating, making, doing, producing, being.

So much love, joy, and creativity.

Re-membering the stories and songs. Re-memebering the creative rivers that flow through these bones. Re-membering kapwa.

Cultivating a space to thrive, in this life and beyond.

Gumawa tayo, we shall do it together because that’s the only way through.

Being in relation and space with Elvin is so beautiful. They push me to open up, step into my power and gifts, re-member who I am, and suggest alternate perspectives and language. I always feel, seen, heard, and witnessed with them. I am very grateful to be a part of Gumawa’s beginning and hope to continue to be a part of the rest of its journey. I fully support and see Elvin stepping into their era and evolution of being a co-creator, space-maker, and community gatherer. From the moments I’ve witnessed, these roles come naturally to them and they are always perceptive of opportunities for growth and open to receiving feedback. I support my kapatid Elvin in the cultivation of this space because I resonate deeply with their intentions behind this endeavor and how it calls in and builds the world I desire to live in.”

— Marynil Gonzales Muñoz, kapwatid

“Elvin has created such a nurturing space to inspire their community members in reconnection within themselves and their creative sides! I’ve seen them provide care for the youth in program with immense compassion and support through all aspects of the program, whether it’s scheduling or accessibility related, creation or general support. As the program admin myself, I’ve felt inspired by Elvin and Gumawa Space to reclaim my creativity. And I think by doing so, practicing these art forms and embracing creation, has helped me reconnect with myself and my younger self  (or inner child so to speak), helping me find new joys and break adult barriers I’ve placed on myself.”

— Keagan Joseph, Program Admin/Partner 
img: Thơ Nguyễn, bestie, program participant

— Krista Chavez, kin <3

— Julianna Lu, Big Brothers Big Sisters Program

an abundance of existential bliss

Found images, bayabas leaves, hand-written letter, and Asian candy wrappers on construction paper

In November 2023, I facilitated a writing workshop for children of the diaspora who had just recently returned to their homeland as part of Gumawa Space. In Tagalog, gumawa means to to do; to make; to build; to create, and it is fitting that I return to that afternoon with a creation of my own.

an abundance of existential bliss takes inspiration from a holiday card that Gumawa Space creator Elvin Velasco sent me. It was the sign-off they used in their card and a beautiful reminder of how important it is that we take the time to celebrate the joy, delight, wonder, and curiosities that fill our everyday lives.

On one side of the construction paper are found images and artifacts that represent our existential bliss: images of the natural world along with bayabas leaves and candy wrappers. The bayabas leaves signify healing and cleansing in many indigenous communities in what is now known as “the Philippines”, while the candy wrappers – largely Asian flavours – signify sweetness, innocence, and a tasty delight. Both the bayabas and the candies were gifts from my time at Gumawa Space.

On the other side of the construction paper is the card that Elvin sent me – words that I cherish and carry with me in my work of creating change and building community. Bayabas leaves surround the letter to magnify the healing power of our connection to each other in breaking cycles.

— Artist Statement by Justine Abigail Yu, Program Facilitator/kapwatid